What is the main goal of the 100,000 Strong in the Americas initiative?
To increase the number of students and faculty participating in international exchange opportunities between the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Discover the World, Stay Connected 
Welcome to the new 100K Exchange Network!

The 100K Exchange Network is your passport to a global community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for exploration, learning, and cultural immersion. Whether you are preparing to spend a semester exploring the Dominican Republic, are currently conducting research in the United States, or learned a new language in Brazil, you are a part of a vibrant and diverse network that values the power of international exchange.

Benefits of Joining the 100K Exchange Network

  • – Global Connections: Expand your global network by connecting with peers from across the Western Hemisphere. Forge meaningful friendships and professional relationships that can last a lifetime.
  • – Career Advancement: Gain a competitive edge in the job market. International experiences are highly regarded by employers. Access exclusive job postings and career development resources.
  • – Cultural Exchange: Continue your journey of cultural exploration. Attend events, workshops, and webinars to stay connected to the world’s diverse cultures and traditions.
  • – Mentorship Opportunities: Give back by becoming a mentor or mentee. Share your wisdom and experiences to help one another navigate continued personal and professional growth.
  • – Partnerships: Find like-minded individuals who care about giving back while exploring opportunities to address global issues that matter to you.

Ready to join?   Join the 100K Exchange Network is easy and free! Stay connected with the world and tap into a wealth of opportunities. Join Now!