» Competition 4: Promoting Study Abroad in Engineering, Physics, Geology, and Geophysics

Evaluation of Volcanic Hazards: Merging Laboratory and Field Based Learning

Universidad de ColimaColima, Mexico
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan

Evaluation of Volcanic Hazards: Merging Laboratory and Field Based Learning

Universidad de Colima developed a program focused on volcanic hazards with an emphasis on engineering, physics, geology and geophysics. This program united three higher education institutions with considerable experience in earth sciences, particularly in the area of volcanology. Universidad de la Colima partnered with University of South Florida and Michigan Technological University with the goal of establishing “a robust exchange program between the USA and Mexico in the area of volcanology, specifically in the area of hazard evaluation with the application of numerical modeling techniques.” Through this program, nine (9) U.S. students visited Mexico, while seven (7) students from Universidad de la Colima stayed at USF or MTU for a period of two months. The principal objective of facilitating student mobility was achieved. Mexican students were able to work with new tools to analyze volcanic hazards, and U.S. students had the opportunity to spend time in the field learning about volcano monitoring. The program ended with a high-quality project based on their experience in the program. Several students used their projects as an application towards their senior thesis, and one Mexican student was able to present his project at a major Mexican Conference.

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