» Competition 9: Promoting Study Abroad in Engineering (chemical, civil, mechanical, petroleum), Physics, Geology, and Geophysics

Promoting cross-cultural physics and engineering teams for today’s operational challenges

Clemson University, South Carolina, United States
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Nueva León, México

Promoting cross-cultural physics and engineering teams for today’s operational challenges

Clemson University and its partner Tecnológico de Monterrey propose a program that focuses on developing the capabilities of students to work collaboratively in multidisciplinary, cross-cultural teams. Some of the main innovations in the proposed program include the creation of student bi-national teams that will collaborate on joint projects that provide solutions to real-world problems posed by industry partners; travel of the student teams to both locations in order to allow students to act both as hosts and visitors and educate their peers in the local culture, habits, and expectations; and the bringing together of academic and industrial partners to promote economic impact.

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