» Competition 1: Capacity-Building Program to Reach 100,000 Strong

Strengthening of Services and Opportunities for the Enhancement of Incoming International Mobility at Universidad EAFIT

Universidad EAFIT, Antioquia, Colombia Purdue University, Indiana, United States

Strengthening of Services and Opportunities for the Enhancement of Incoming International Mobility at Universidad EAFIT

Universidad EAFIT was able to meet 100% of its targets in 9 out of 15 strategies and goals for this project including: implementing a marketing plan that focuses on U.S. students’ needs and caters their services and opportunities to what the students need; training new teams to meet the expectations and needs of the U.S. academic market; improving their International Student Reception Program; offering a free course of Spanish for Foreigners at their Language Center; and attending the annual NAFSA Conference in order to make new connections and strengthen existing ones, among others. Through attending capacity building workshops, creating a design and implementing a marketing plan, increasing the number of student housing options, collecting testimonials from U.S. students studying in EAFIT, creating new courses taught in English and executing the EAFIT Ambassadors Program, the university was able to create novel, long-lasting study abroad programs for southbound travel while building on existing relationships and exchanges. During the grant period, EAFIT engaged 10 HEIs (12 projected) and contacted over 150 universities in regards to the project’s creation (150 projected). Also, 4 MOUs were strengthened (5 projected), while 91 novel courses were translated and offered in English (100 projected).

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