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Student Spotlight 02: Ingrid Itzarelly Ramirez Uribe

In 2022, we had the opportunity to work with our peers from Southern Oregon University, both virtually and in person. We traveled to Ashland, Oregon to work alongside our teammates and local businesses. In return, they visited us in Guanajuato, where we did the same with some small local businesses. This intercultural experience allowed us to learn from each other and gain valuable knowledge that we could not have attained otherwise.

One exciting highlight of this journey was my graduation from the University of Guanajuato in August 2023. This accomplishment was a significant milestone in my academic career, and I am grateful for the experiences and opportunities that have led me to this point.

My advice to anyone hesitant about taking chances is to go for it! Although we may not always achieve the results we desire, we can always learn something valuable from the experience. Stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to new opportunities, experiences, and personal growth. 

My time in Ashland was brief, but it was an unforgettable experience. Working with my teammates and professors in an intercultural environment allowed us to learn from each other and gain a unique perspective. It was a goal of mine to work in this type of environment, and I am grateful for the opportunity to fulfill it.

Lastly, I am reminded of the friendships I made during this experience. It is always great to reminisce about good memories with old friends, but it is also an opportunity to create new friendships. There are always new people to meet and learn from, and I look forward to experiencing more of these opportunities in the future.












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