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100,000 Strong in the Americas United States-Brazil Climate-Inclusive Education

(100K Strong CLIMA/IE) Grant competition

*April 24, 2024, Sao Paulo, Brazil:  Partners of the Americas (POA), in coordination with the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs at the U.S. Department of State (WHA/DOS), the U.S. Mission-Brazil, and National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI), announce the launch of the new 100,000 Strong in the Americas United States-Brazil Climate-Inclusive Education (100K Strong CLIMA/IE) grant competition to expand innovative, inclusive, climate-focused exchange and training programs in both countries.

This 100K Strong CLIMA/IE grant competition is supported by SENAI in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State (WHA/DOS), to expand bilateral education cooperation and increase access to inclusive academic exchange and training programs.  This 100K Strong grant competition, launched during the bicentennial year of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States, supports the U.S Department of State’s priorities to ensure a greener, more inclusive, prosperous, democratic, and climate-resilient Hemisphere.

Teams of higher education institutions (HEIs) from the United States and Brazil are invited to work together to design and implement new models of inclusive, climate-action focused educational exchanges to equip teams of students with technical, linguistic, and intercultural skills imperative to lead in a climate-positive workforce.

“The future 100K Strong partnerships that result from this new 100K Strong competition announced today will expand inclusive, climate-action exchanges between Brazil and the United States and demonstrate the power of working across sectors so that we invest in our communities to foster economic prosperity, collaborate on innovation and research, and find solutions to address critical local and regional challenges.” Consul General, David Hodge, of U.S. Consulate-Sao Paulo

“As we commemorate the 200th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Brazil and the United States, the partnership formed between SENAI and the U.S. Department of State proves to be increasingly significant. The agreed funding is a catalyst for Brazilian teams, institutions, and U.S. students to join forces in seeking innovative solutions to global challenges such as climate change and inclusive education. This collaboration, set in a multicultural and cooperative context, is a testament to the potential we possess when working with partners who share a common vision. I am excited to see these teams working together, creating stronger bonds, and generating a positive impact for both Brazil and the United States.” Superintendent for International Relations, Frederico Lamego, of CNI.

This 100K Strong U.S.-Brazil competition will stimulate and support partnerships between a diversity of U.S. and Brazilian higher education institutions to provide up to seven (7) grants of up to $40,000 each.

Please see (LINK) for the Request for Proposals (RFP) with details about HEI-eligibility criteria, thematic areas, and 100K Strong grant proposal submission guidelines:  www.100kstrongamericas.org/grants.



100K Strong in the Americas partnerships and exchanges support the Department of State’s priorities to ensure a greener, more inclusive, prosperous, democratic, and climate-resilient hemisphere.  The hemisphere-wide education initiative catalyzes inter-regional partnerships across sector to expand higher education linkages and increase new models of innovative, inclusive exchanges between the United States and Latin America.  In ten years (2013-2023), after 37 sets of competitions, the 100K Strong Innovation Fund has awarded 321 grants ($25,000-$50,000 each) to 585 HEIs in 36 countries and 49 U.S. states engaging over 10,000 students and faculty (and counting).  The 100K Network, a virtual platform for higher education collaboration, has attracted over 4,000 members, including 2,300 higher education institutions (HEIs) in the United States.

Learn more and Join:  www.100KStrongAmericas.org  //  Follow: #100KStrongAmericas

The mission of Partners of the Americas is to connect people and organizations across and within borders to serve and change lives through lasting partnerships. These partnerships create opportunity, foster understanding, and solve real-life problems. Inspired by President Kennedy and founded in 1964, under the Alliance for Progress, Partners is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with international offices in Washington, D.C. Learn more at www.partners.net.

Founded in 1942, the National Service for Industrial Training (SENAI) stands as one of the largest professional education complexes in the world and the leader in Latin America, having trained over 73 million workers across 28 industrial sectors to date. With a presence in over 2,000 Brazilian municipalities, SENAI offers an extensive array of courses covering all professional and technological education levels. Extending beyond national borders, it supports professional education development in several other countries, establishing and maintaining training centers internationally. SENAI continues to drive industrial innovation by boasting 1,040 vocational training units, 26 innovation institutes, 60 technology institutes, and 221 technological service labs. In 2022, it recorded over 2.8 million enrollments, and its institutes conducted more than 1.9 million lab tests and services, reinforcing its vital role in promoting innovation and adding value to the products and processes of the private sector and industry.


Press Contact: marrazola@partners.net

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